Think More + Use Less Tip #1: Organic Cotton

Why go organic?
When you think of going green, going organic is one of the first things that come to mind. But why? What's the big deal about organic products?  

Organic products are grown the natural way. That means, they are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. In terms of animals raised for food like meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products, these animals do not take antibiotics or growth hormones. 

The benefits of not using chemicals in products is that it is safe for the environment, but more importantly it's safe for you. There are so many harmful side effects to non-organic products that we could be here for day discussing them. However, let's keep it simple for now and start with cotton and the benefits of buying organic cotton vs. conventional cotton. 
What Are the Benefits of Organic Cotton Clothing?

Hazards of conventional cotton 
Conventionalnon-organic cotton "occupies only 3% of the world's farmland, but uses 25% of the world's chemical pesticides. In fact, the EPA considers 7 of the top 15pesticides used on cotton as "likely" or "known" humancarcinogens.

Ironically,it is estimated that less than 10% of the chemicals applied to cottonaccomplish their task, the rest are absorbed into the plant, air, soil, waterand eventually, our bodies. Sprayed from the air, these highly toxic chemicalscan drift into surrounding neighborhoods, poison farm workers, contaminate air,ground and surface water and cause major eco-system imbalances.

Asinsects gradually become resistant to pesticides, ever-increasing amounts areapplied to be effective, resulting in massive ecological disasters and cropfailures. These hazardous pesticides also pose an increasing danger towildlife. A 1993 EPA study estimated that 'one to twomillion' birds are killed annually by carbofuran, just one insecticideused on cotton! This is only one of many tragic effects on our wildlife.

It doesn't end there. Conventional cotton is also a major user of toxicherbicides, fungicides and defoliants. During processing, it is subjected tochlorine bleach, heavy metal dyes and formaldehyde resins (the hidden hazard of'easy care treatments'). The bleach is almost worse than pesticides, causingmyriad health problems and vast environmental damage.

Additionally,genetically modified cotton now accounts for 75% of cotton grownconventionally. It is no comfort that cotton is also a food crop: cottonseedoil is used in many processed and snack foods and cottonseed is used in cattlefeed.” (From:HAE Now, “Why Buy Organic”

benefits of organic cotton 

*  Organic cotton representsa return to safe and sustainable practices. 

*  It is grown with naturalfertilizers and is free from toxic chemicals.

*  Organicfarmers rely on crop rotation to replenish and maintain soil fertility.

*  Mechanicalcultivation and botanical or biological means are used to control pests andweeds.

*  Afield must be pesticide-free for at least three years tobe certified organic, and the cotton must be processed according tointernational organic standards.

*  Thestandards also set strict guidelines for transportation and storage to avoidcross-contamination.

*  Inthe U.S., cotton labeled as organic has to be certified by an independentagency recognized by the USDA's National Organic Program.

*  Manualfarming and organic practices have a lower carbon footprint as the entireprocess consumes less fuel and energy and emits fewer greenhouse gases.

*  Notfrom genetically modified cottonseed.

* Eco-friendlyprocessing that does not compromise workers' health and helps reduce water andelectric use and toxic runoff, e.g. non-chlorine bleach, silicon-free softenersand low impact, azo-free dyes.

*  Stricttesting ensures the absence of contaminants like nickel, lead, formaldehyde,amines, pesticides and heavy metals.

*  Peoplewith allergies and chemical sensitivity especially benefit from organic cottonclothing, as conventional cotton may retain harmful toxic residues.

*  Evenif you don't have sensitive skin, organiccotton will just feel better against your skin.
References: (Awesome site on the importance of buying organic cotton)

where to buy organic t-shirts?

Duh!! has the best looking organic cotton t-shirts out there. So go to and start living green today with Mo' Green. 


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