Who is Mo' Green?!?

Hi guys, here is our first official blog! 

Through this blog, "Who is Mo' Green" we will be updating you with the latest and greatest tips on living life green. We will also be sharing stories about people who are living life more green. 

So to get things started, let's answer the question: WHO IS MO' GREEN?!?

Mo’ is just a laid back, happy guy who likes living life green.  The thing about Mo’ is that he believes thinking a little more and using/wasting a little less leads to a better, more enjoyable life. Don’t worry, Mo’s not extreme about going green, nor does he think you should be. Mo’ gets that people have busy, complicated lives; but he also knows it takes just a second or two to make small changes that can lead to a big difference. For Mo’ life is good living green and he wants it to be that way for everyone.   


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