When and How Mo' Green started

Just another day living life green...

As you can see, so far in this blog we've been writing about Mo' Green. We've told you who Mo' Green is and what Mo' Green Apparel is.  Now, we're going to tell you when and how Mo' Green got started.  

When did mo green get started?

Original Mo' Green Sketch
Mo’ Green got started as a doodle from another family-run business of ours in 2007. We never did much with him other than smile every time we came across him for the next 4 years.  Occasionally, we’d throw the idea around about putting him on a shirt. But as usual, life got in the way- the economy tanked and our family run business went under. What can we say? The happy looking guy on the leaf could brighten our day but couldn’t save the day.

The funny thing is during this time, without knowing it we all were forced to live life green. We couldn’t afford to waste electricity, water, excess food, you name it. The budget was tight and we were forced to think more and use less. But you know what?  Life became a whole lot easier and less complicated. We started saving money on our electric bills, gas bills, food bills and life became better. We even became healthier.

It was then that we thought: wait a minute? Without knowing it we were living life green and benefiting hugely from it. So why hadn’t we gone green before? Why hasn’t everyone gone green already? It occurred to us that there is this big misconception that going green means making tough sacrifices or turning into some tree hugging, hippy. But it doesn’t. And that’s where Mo’ came into play.

Mo’ was so likable already, what if he could become the face of living life green? He looks as happy as we felt realizing how much better life is living green. It was then that we decided Mo’ needed to be put on a t-shirt and the world needed to know: Living Life Green = Thinking More + Using Less = A Better Life For EVERYONE.  And it’s such an important message because not only are we saving the world and our environment but we can make all of our lives better and easier by living green. Plus, the family needed a new business and people always need new clothes. So why not make good looking, environmentally friendly clothes that won’t irritate your skin. 

And that is the true story of Mo' Green. So if you dig his message and feel like wearing one of his shirts, please visit: www.livelifegreen.org and buy a shirt for you, your family or friends. :-)

p.s.  don't forget...LIVE LIFE GREEN!!!


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